
Break Up With Plastic Day of Action - Feb 14, 2023

Written by bgoodwin | Feb 8, 2023 7:36:34 PM

February 14 is the National Break up with Plastic Day of Action and it's the first hearing for three of Oregon's plastic pollution bills. Check out the planned events and how you can get involved!

  • 10am, Virtual: Attend the national "States are breaking up with plastic" webinar
  • 11:30am, In-person, Salem: In person valentine delivery to legislative offices (this volunteer opportunity is full)
  • 1pm, Virtual or in-person in Salem: Public hearing for plastic pollution bills:
    • Foam-Free Oregon (Senate Bill 543) would prohibit the use of polystyrene foam foodware including bowls, plates, cups, lids, clamshells, or other containers and prohibit the sale of polystyrene foam packing peanuts and coolers by January 1, 2025. The bill would also prohibit the use of toxic forever chemicals in foodware containers.
    • Reducing Plastic at the Source (Senate Bill 544) would require producers to reduce the amount of single-use plastic packaging and foodware by 25% over the next decade and move to reusable and refillable packaging.
    • Enabling Reuse (Senate Bill 545) would update our health code to enable customers to bring reusable and refillable containers for food.

Here's how you can support the day of action:

Submit testimony!

Attend the Hearings on 2/14/23 at 1 pm. In person or virtually.