
Cape Kiwanda Longboard Contest

Written by oregon | Jul 13, 2007 4:46:00 PM

The Cape Kiwanda Longboard Contest is on for August 4-5! This year, as in years prior, the contest will be held on the beach in Pacific City, Oregon. The contest is for longboards only, 9 feet and up. This is a family-oriented, community sponsored event, and will have a great raffle which will help support planning for a skate park in Pacific City. There will be live music Saturday night, food vendors at the beach and lots of good fun for everyone down on the beach all weekend. Make your plans now! Thanks for bringing it back, Bryan! Volunteers are needed - if you're interested please email pstauffer@surfrider.org. Check the contest website for reg forms and updates. http://www.capekiwandalongboardcontest.com/