

Written by oregon | Oct 31, 2007 7:53:00 PM

Clatsop County has extended its public hearing on the proposed liquefied natural gas (LNG) project at Bradwood Landing to Nov. 19 to provide additional opportunities for public comment. The hearing will resume at 9 am in the Judge Guy Boyington Building, 857 Commercial St., Astoria. Written comments can be submitted by e-mail to comdev@co.clatsop.or.us, by fax to (503) 338-3666. Bradwood Landing LLC is seeking zone changes and other land-use permits to site a LNG terminal on the Columbia River at Bradwood east of Astoria. The Board of Commissioners has a broad range of options, including approving or denying the applications, remanding the hearing back to the Planning Commission, or continuing the hearing. Oregon Chapter of Surfrider is opposing the project due to concerns related to water quality, shoreline access, public safety, local economics, salmon populations, etc. Please make your voice heard on this issue - it clearly will require an overwhelming public response for the Commission to reverse its previously expressed support for the project. See first comment to this post for Surfrider comments submitted to the county on this issue.