
Ocean Policy Advisory Council to Meet May 7-8th

Written by Charlie Plybon | Apr 28, 2015 5:11:50 PM

The Ocean Policy Advisory Council (OPAC) will be meeting May 7-8th, in Bandon Oregon and your recreational ocean voices should be heard! What do recreational users have to do with Ocean Policy...quite simply, alot! From Surfrider's engagement in various OPAC processes over the years such as Territorial Sea Planning, we've helped to protect some of Oregon's most special recreational areas while providing other opportunities for renewable energy development. We've negotiated tough paths to protect special ecosystems through marine reserves while keeping the majority of our nearshore open to our local fishing communities. From the water we swim and surf in to the special and important recreational areas we hold close, our surfing, beach-loving, dog-walking, diving and greater recreational community has a lot to do with ocean policy!

The Oregon Ocean Policy Advisory Council (OPAC) is a legislatively mandated marine policy advisory body to the Governor of Oregon. We are in a unique place right now without an "all consuming" policy initiative(s) directing OPAC by the agencies and the governor's office. This provides a great opportunity for recreational users and members of the public to highlight some of their priority interests during public testimony. It's important for the broad representatives of OPAC to hear from a diverse variety of stakeholders about their recreational ocean interests. In the late afternoon following public testimony on May 8th, there will be a discussion amongst OPAC in visioning priority issues and public testimony may really help shape that discussion.

On May 7th, there will be a special public forum on the National Marine Sanctuary Program. Representatives from NOAA and a diverse group of individuals from various states with Sanctuaries off their shore will be answering questions to better inform Oregonians on what the program is all about and maybe as important what it's not about. With much concern and public confusion on the new public nomination process for the Sanctuary Program, this is a great opportunity to learn more. More info in agenda attached below.

On May 8th, also open to the public, the Ocean Policy Advisory Council will hold a regular meeting, which is your opportunity to provide a little testimony and share your recreational interests and concerns with the council.

If you have interest in providing testimony or sharing information and concerns but are unable to attend the meeting, you can contact your Ocean Policy Recreational Representative, Charlie Plybon - contact him here. We hope to hear from you or see you in Bandon next month!

Final Draft Agenda(s) and Sanctuary Forum Flyer can be downloaded below:

