

Written by oregon | Mar 18, 2008 8:06:00 PM

On March 27-28, the Oregon Ocean Policy Advisory Council (OPAC) will hold meetings in Newport on marine reserve planning and wave energy development. On Thurs morning, the Marine Reserve Work Group will meet from 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m, with public comments taken at 12:30. On Thurs afternoon, the Wave Energy Work Group will meet from 4:30 to 5:30pm with public comments taken at the end. On Friday, the full OPAC will convene from 8:30 - 5pm with public comments at 1pm. All meetings will be held at the Agate Beach Best Western (3019 North Coast Hwy). Please come out to speak in support of Oregon's marine reserve planning effort and responsible practices for wave energy development! For more info and OPAC agenda: http://www.oregonmarinereserves.net/