
Surfrider Files Petition w/ DEQ

Written by oregon | Sep 15, 2006 7:57:00 PM

On Sept 9, Surfrider Foundation - Newport Chapter filed a Petition of Reconsideration with DEQ over the terms of the NPDES wastewater permit of the Georgia Pacific Pulp and Paper Mill in Toledo. The primary outfall of the mill is off Nye Beach in Newport. Other groups that signed on as petitioners included the Northwest Environmental Defense Center, Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition, Friends of Yaquina Bay, and Lincoln County Citizens for Clean Water. The Petition presents formal legal and scientific arguments for the agency to reconsider the terms of the July 14 issued permit. This represents the last administrative option for Surfrider to advocate for improved monitoring and additional pollution prevention technology. Thank you to the nearly dozen members of Surfrider's Oregon Environmental Issues Team (scientists, attorneys, permit afficianados, etc) who have volunteered their personal time for this campaign. Also, major thanks to CRAG for providing pro bono support to make this happen. Stay tuned for a response from DEQ. Click on the link below for a copy of the petition:

Petition for Reconsideration