Join us for the 4th Annual Cape Perpetua Land-Sea Symposium, November 17th in Yachats, Oregon. A free event for all, RSVP now! This year's event will kick off with a welcome from Senator Roblan and Representative Gomberg and follow with our keynote speaker Laura Anderson of Local Ocean Seafoods.
The Cape Perpetua Land/Sea Symposium is a community event aimed at promoting local stewardship efforts and raising awareness about current research being conducted within the Cape Perpetua nearshore and adjacent watersheds. We're thrilled for this year's event and have a great line-up from our local leaders to Local Ocean's Laura Anderson, scientists and management agencies in the area. Full event information below, we hope to see you at this year's event!
Event Goals:
- Raise awareness of historical and current conservation, research and stewardship of Cape Perpetua region.
- Foster and promote a sense of place and stewardship within the community for the Cape Perpetua region.
- Promote volunteer opportunities and local organizing to support long-term management and conservation for the Cape Perpetua marine reserve.
- Create opportunities for people to collaborate on conservation activities within the Cape Perpetua region, especially those focused on the Cape Perpetua marine reserve.
Full Program:
5:00pm - Doors Open!
5:15pm - Welcome/Coastal Legislative Forecast: Senator Arnie Roblan and Representative David Gomberg
Coastal leaders will provide an update on coastal legislative issues, budget and revenue forecast and the Ocean Science Trust.
5:30pm - Keynote Speaker: Laura Anderson

Laura Anderson, owner of Local Ocean Seafoods will be this year's keynote speaker! Laura will discuss her cultural trajectory as a fisher, student, business owner, community and now statewide leader on ocean issues - from growing up on a crab boat to residing on the Ocean Science Trust Board, Laura's roots and leadership have been built on conserving coastal culture and resources. More on Laura below.
6:15-6:45 - Social Mixer
Enjoy drinks, appetizers and mingle partner tables and poster session.
6:45 - Monitoring Ocean Acidification in Oregon's Marine Reserves: Dr. Francis Chan, OSU
Dr. Francis Chan recently launched a new effort to monitor pH in Oregon's Marine Reserves, teaming up with citizens and community groups along the way. Learn about this new project to help better understand Ocean Acidification! Additionally, Dr. Chan will also discuss some of the unique oceanagraphic upwelling and hypoxia events his team has been monitoring here at Cape Perpetua over the years.
7:00 - Compliance and Enforcement in Oregon's Marine Reserves: Todd Thompson, OSP
Compared to many other states with marine reserves, Oregon's compliance is extremely high. Oregon State Police's Todd Thompson will discuss the tall order of managing compliance and enforcement in Oregon's Marine Reserves and how outreach and education are critical in this management effort.
7:15 - Understanding Visitor's of Oregon's Marine Reserves: Haley Epperly, Sea Grant/ODFW
Do visitors to Oregon's Marine Reserves at terrestrial parks and access points even know the marine reserves exist and how much do they know? Haley Epperly will discuss how Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and academic researchers monitor these "human dimensions" of marine reserves and review recent findings of their statewide visitor survey to these special places.
7:30 - 8:00pm - Panel Discussion: Q&A (All speakers and a few more!)
8:00 - 8:30 pm - Social Mixer, Poster Session and Tables!