Join Surfrider Foundation on February 09, 2022 from 6pm-8pm for a webinar on Offshore Wind Energy in Oregon. There's a mighty wind of interests blowing offshore of Oregon - is offshore wind another tool in our climate/energy solutions bucket or is this ocean development a threat to ocean wildlife and existing ocean users? How are these questions being explored for Oregon? Join our Portland Chapter for this super informative event to learn all about the development prospects and concerns of Offshore Wind in Oregon.
Offshore wind energy interests have fully arrived in Oregon and the federal process to accommodate these ocean renewable energy development projects has ramped up. Soon the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management will be releasing official call areas in federal waters off of the Oregon coast that will be eligible for offshore wind energy leases and associated development. The prospect of renewable energy and ocean development has invoked a wide range of both interest and concern amongst Oregonians, particularly those along the coast and within various ocean user groups, but how much do you really understand about this technology, the process for development and potential impacts to ocean and coastal resources?
Register for this informative webinar here, where you’ll gain some background on this developing industry and hear various perspectives on exploring this potential new use of our ocean waters. We are lucky to have a variety of speakers on this topic, so don't miss out on this incredible evening.
With wind technology advances, recent state legislation and many including our federal administration eager to shift towards a renewable energy economy, it's important Oregonians get up to speed on which way these winds are blowing in Oregon!
Tentative Agenda:
Portland Chapter Meeting
Offshore Wind Energy
February 9, 2022 6-8pm
- PDX Chapter Surfrider Foundation Chair
Part I 40 min.
- Necy Sumait, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), Pacific Office of Strategic Resources Regional Supervisor - Overview of BOEM’s offshore wind authorization process, from the Call through development (big picture). General timeline and an update on Call Area(s) for Oregon. Overview of engagement opportunities during the Call and leasing process
-Jason Sierman, Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE), Senior Energy Policy Analyst- ODOE’s floating offshore wind study - Overview, update on study, and relevant opportunities to engage.
-Andy Lanier, Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD), Marine Affairs Coordinator - Description of the State of Oregon role in OSW energy planning
-Tribal Nations (Invited) - cultural interests, reflections on task force process
Break 10 min.
-Wind Energy and Surfrider TRIVIA hosted by PDX Chapter member
Part II 30 min.
- Shannon Souza - Pacific Ocean Energy Trust - Renewable Energy Industry interests and approach for Oregon
- Tara Brock, Oceana, Pacific Counsel - Big picture of environmental considerations in OSW
- Fishing and other ocean users (Invited) - Select members of the Ocean Policy Advisory Council
Q & A - 30-40 min
- Facilitated by Charlie Plybon, Surfrider Foundation