Cape Perpetua is a special place. From the southern end of Yachats to Heceta Head, visitors are often struck by the majesty of this stretch of Oregon coastline, an ongoing collaboration of conservation and recreational management at it’s best. For businesses, residents and tourists alike, Cape Perpetua's natural resources, from land to sea define much of the regions culture and economy. For generations, the conservation ethic through tireless work and protections such as Marine Gardens, Protected Areas and Marine Reserves, has shaped the management of this special place retaining much of the natural splendor that we enjoy today. And on the eve of this Memorial Day weekend, local businesses, state and federal agencies, local government and many NGO volunteers gathered to formally launch the The Cape Perpetua Collaborative an effort to further galvanize this conservation ethic for generations to come.
The Cape Perpetua Collaborative’s vision seeks to foster conservation and collaboration within local communities for scientific exchange, management, awareness, and stewardship, from the land to the sea, in and around Cape Perpetua Marine Reserve.

Nathan Bernard, owner of Yachats Brewing and Farmstore where the official Collaborative launch event was hosted, is one such business owner that understands the value of living and doing business in concert with the natural environment - "I depend on a healthy ocean and watershed, it's critical to our businesses in Yachats." It's one of the reasons Nathan does business here and does so incredibly sustainably - from biodiesel vehicles and brewhouse to wind turbines, passive solar and rain catchment, their business footprint is pretty tight. Nathan presented a check to the Collaborative at the official launch from proceeds of their Cetacean saison, declaring that as a community "we need to contribute to the conservation of our ocean and lands, however we are able to do that, I'm just glad I can do a little more to support this collaborative effort".

Tara Dubois, the Coordinator for the Collaborative says, "we are focused on the Cape Perpetua area with a concentration on the marine reserve and land-sea connection because it has some of the greatest biodiversity along our coast in this area,” Dubois said. Mayor of Yachats, Gerald Stanley who also spoke at the event said that "it's this biodiversity and strong conservation that brings people, tourists and businesses alike to this community and that's why the City is invested in this Collaborative effort." The City of Yachats has been a strong contributor to the Collaborative both fiscally and through aligning local communication efforts for businesses and within the Chamber. More news on the official launch in Newport News Times here.
Cape Perpetua Collaborative Background
In an effort to improve the conservation, management and stewardship of the Cape Perpetua marine and coastal protected areas, Surfrider Foundation has been working with the Audubon Society of Portland and other local NGOs, state and federal agencies and local tribes to formalize this effort now known as the Cape Perpetua Collaborative. Beginning with the Land Sea Symposium event some 6 years ago, Surfrider and Audubon began laying the ground work for partners participating in many important conservation and stewardship efforts to "put our silos of great work together under one umbrella", says Paul Engelmeyer of Audubon Society of Portland. Through this ongoing event, we've been able to build lasting relationships and improve communications between groups. All this has ultimately helped strengthen capacity for volunteer programs, science and management efforts much to the benefit of local businesses, the community and environment. The Collaborative today is represented by over a dozen NGO groups, businesses, City of Yachats, and many managing agencies such as US Forest Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and Oregon Parks and Recreation.

We’ve written often on the many dimensions of Cape Perpetua that beckon the adventurous recreational user – Wilderness and Sanctuary designations, rocky shores of Marine Gardens and Reserves and other special management areas all working together – uniting this land-sea splendor through whole ecosystem conservation and management strategies by the local community, NGOs and state and federal agencies. We are pretty proud of where these efforts have taken us and where they will take generations to come.