The Surfrider Foundation - Oregon Chapter Executive Council met March 22nd. Click here to read the meeting notes.
Surfrider Executive Council Meeting
Wednesday, March 22; 6:00pm - 8:00pm;
RESOLVE Conference Room
Morgan Building, 720 SW Washington, Suite 710, Portland, OR 97214
Meeting Objectives:
* Review and agree-upon Executive Council member roles and responsibilities
* Review and agree-upon position duration and replacement protocol;
* Receive overview of the PDX chapter into statewide campaigns;
* Review events for 2006, develop action plans for each, and integrate with statewide campaigns where appropriate;
* Confirm the program for the April monthly meeting; and
* Discuss a quarterly meeting of the Executive Council.
5:45 - 6:00 Arrive and Get Food
6:00 - 6:15 Welcome and Introductions
* Welcome participants and provide an overview of the meeting objectives, agenda, and materials - Rob Williams
* Introductions - Name, where were you born, when did you move to Portland/Oregon and why (or why did you stay)?
* Member present were Rob Williams, Markus Mead, Melissa Gilbert, Haley Brown, John Thompson, Tina Torri, Andi Bernard, Pete Stauffer, Jocelyn Gary, and David Blackmon.
6:15 - 6:30 Executive Council Roles - Responsibilities
* Provide overview of Executive Council Roles - Melissa Gilbert
* Discussion and clarification
* It was decided that everyone on executive council would read through their job description and see if they need to add and/or omit anything to their description. Markus reviewed the Secretary and Treasures description because David (treasure) and Jocelyn (secretary) are new to the job and felt like they needed some clarification to their duties.
o Additions: Every executive council member will coordinate one event per year.
o Treasurer: will send a monthly statement to secretary 1 week prior to the chapter’s monthly meetings. If any donations come within the week, they will be added to the next months list.
o Secretary: Send reports to the executive council for review no later than 1 week after the monthly meeting. Executive council must return any changes/omissions by the following week.
o Secretary also must send copies to Ed Mazzerella at Nationals.
o To be added into the minutes under announcements: Previous months minutes are available at http://www.surfrider/. Instead of sending monthly meeting notes to the whole chapter.
o Omit from Job Description: must send notes to and membership list serve.
o Event coordinator: a checklist is being made for each event and will be sent to chapter chair, and secretary. Secretary will keep a file that later will be sent to field coordinator and policy coordinator so that they can update on CD's given to exec. Council.
> Objective: To have Executive Council members review the description in advance of the meeting and come prepared to discuss and suggest edits if necessary. The goal will be to have a general agreement for all members' roles and delegate a person to type up changes if necessary.
6:30 - 6:45 Position Duration and Replacement Protocol
* Provide an overview of a proposal for council position duration and replacement protocol (i.e. voting) - Tina Tiamo
* Discussion and clarification: it states that a member can hold a position for 1 year; officially for two terms (two consecutive years), and then must have a 1 year break in-between holding that same executive council position. Members may be able to serve on executive council but in another position.
* Chapter decision: yearly elections will be held in March with announcement for candidates to run in January (so that members have two months to think about running).
> Objective: Agree-upon protocol and delegate a person responsible for recording protocol.
6:45 - 7:00 Overview of Surfrider Statewide Campaigns
* Provide an overview of Surfrider statewide campaigns - Pete Stauffer
* Discussion and clarification: Discussed that the BWTF has $20,000 in costs. Storm Drain stenciling is supposed to take place the Tuesday after monthly meetings. Pete wanted to know how he can serve/help the chapter better? How can he be more available? How can we integrate chapter events and campaigns we're working on? Executive council is each supposed to send him an email/phone call to give ideas. Jocelyn added that he should definitely be present at all chapter events and he will be presenting both at April's Pint Night and May's Water Werks Sessions (band fundraiser).
> Objective: Provide an overview of Surfrider campaigns to set the stage for integration during the following discussion of events. Also, discuss the idea of a Campaign Workgroup.
7:00 - 7:45 2006 Event Action Planning
* Provide a brief description of the agreed-upon 2006 Surfrider events - Jocelyn Gary
* Discuss and develop action plans for the following events:
- Beach Clean-up - March: HALEY
- Pint Night - April: MELISSA AND JOCELYN
- Storm Drain Stenciling - (May, June, July, Aug., Sept., Oct.): JOHN AND ANDI
- Water Werks Sessions (Band Fundraiser) - May: JOCELYN
- Mother Ocean Day/Beach Clean Up - July: Contact Newport to help with this event and co-coordinate: JOHN/ANDI
- Long Board Contest/Beach Clean Up - August: JOHN/ANDI
- Clean Water Paddle - September: DAVID/PETE
- SOLV Beach Clean Up - September: HALEY
- Fall Retreat and Beach Clean - November: MARKUS/ANDI
* Comments/Discussions: other possible events to consider, Photo Contest, Joint clean up with Kona Brewing, and Art Auction at Winery. Jocelyn will set up a pay pal account for ticket sales/future events.
> Objective: Develop an action plan for each event and have each Executive Council member select an event to organize and to recruit another Surfrider member to assist and be a co-lead.
7:45 - 8:00 Next Steps and Wrap Up
* Confirm program for April Chapter meeting
* Discuss and schedule (if appropriate) a quarterly Executive Council meting
* Summary and acknowledgements