The Oregon Chapter of Surfrider Foundation strongly urges you to oppose H.R. 4761, which would reverse 25 years of bipartisan offshore drilling protections and put our country's billion-dollar coastal economies at risk. Offshore oil and gas drilling is a slow, dirty and expensive way to produce energy. Opening our coasts to destructive drilling would do little to lower prices at the gas pump, but it would threaten our beaches with pollution and potential oil spills. An offshore spill could easily be carried by ocean currents to neighboring states, with disastrous results. Tourism, property, and commercial and sport fishing wrecked in the wake of a huge oil slick could impair millions of jobs and weaken our coastal economies. We simply do not need to sacrifice our beaches and coastal waters to meet America's energy needs. Cleaner, faster and less expensive energy solutions like energy efficiency and clean, renewable energy could start saving consumers and businesses money today and protect our beaches, marine waters and coastal economies. Again, I urge to protect our nation's beaches and coastal areas by voting NO on H.R. 4761 and supporting clean energy alternatives.