Oregon's Marine Reserves Program Seeks Your Engagement & Feedback!
Surfrider Foundation chapters and volunteers have been working to support the state's designation and implementation of Oregon's Marine Reserves and Protected Areas for over a decade. Whether supporting the latest scientific research, conducting outreach, awareness and stewardship efforts or just diving into recreational activities in these areas, Surfrider seeks to help Oregonians understand, appreciate and support these special areas because our state doesn't stop at the beach! Over the next couple of months, some great opportunities exist for both learning more and providing feedback/recommendations directly to Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, the agency responsible for managing these special areas off our coast.
Slice of Science:
On the central Oregon Coast next week? Want to learn more about Marine Reserve research? Have ideas or info you'd like to share? Whether you've been involved with Oregon's marine reserves for years or just want to learn the basics of Marine Reserve research - come by for a slice of pizza, to talk science, and share your ideas. Join Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife in either Newport or Depoe Bay next week for some pizza and science! . Info below:
NEWPORT; Tuesday, October 23rd (4-6pm)
Englund Marine (Upstairs Meeting Room), 880 SE Bay Blvd, Newport, OR
DEPOE BAY; Wednesday, October 24th from (4-6pm)
Community Hall, 220 Bay St, Depoe Bay, OR
Cape Falcon Workshops
Oregon Department of Wildlife is seeking input from local communities in the development of the site management plan for Cape Falcon Marine Reserve off of Oswald West State Park (aka, Short Sands). It's critical that the public provides feedback and direction to the agency - they want to hear from you on the best ways they can be sharing information and engaging communities on the North Coast. The first of three workshops will be held Thursday, October 25th in Manzanita. Subsequent workshops will be held in Seaside and Garibaldi. Information is below:
Thursday, October 25th (5:30-8pm)
Grove Community House, 225 Laneda Ave
Tuesday, November 6th (6-8:30pm)
Best Western Plus Ocean View Resort, 414 North Prom
Wednesday, November 28th (6-8:30pm)
Garibaldi City Hall, 107 6th St
This input will be used to develop management strategies that ODFW will carry out in support of scientific research, keeping locals up to date and informed, to engage communities, and supporting compliance and enforcement. The management plan will also be used to document local community interests for activities above and beyond what is being carried out by ODFW. By highlighting the communities' interests in the management plan, ODFW hopes to attract additional research and resources to foster future projects in and around the Cape Falcon Marine Reserve. Also this month are some awesome "virtual tours", presented by ODFW and hosted by the Friends of Cape Falcon Marine Reserve - check em all out on their event page here.