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Oregon Offshore Winds Blow Workshops and Process Ashore

Just when you thought you'd get out for that coastal summer breeze, in a rather perfect storm of bureaucracy and public process, the prospect of developing offshore wind in Oregon has blown ashore a gale force of public meetings and comment periods this summer. Both federal and state processes for the final leasing process are under multiple public review deadlines scrambling ocean natural resource managers, tribes and ocean users. Despite these winds of bureaucracy blowing a bummer on the summer surf plans, Surfrider Foundation is participating in multiple coalition and local groups to better engage our Oregon chapter network in the lease sale process - read more on to get the lowdown on the processes and how to best to engage. 

As part of  President Biden’s goal to deploy 30 gigawatts of offshore wind electricity by 2030, the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) aims to finish leasing processes and begin bids for Floating offshore wind off Oregon’s coast by the end of 2024. BOEM has identified Wind Energy Areas for leasing off the South coast, near Brookings and Coos Bay - more on our Surfrider engagement and comments on that here.

A recent Environmental Assessment of the lease sale areas site characterization (i.e. research) activities is under public comment, closing at the end of this month. Additionally the Proposed Sale Notice, which sets the key conditions for the final sale and auction, is under public review slated for later this summer. And lastly the state is soliciting feedback on both in writing and through a series of public workshops, an excellent opportunity for public and Surfrider local chapter engagement.

Here's a rundown on each of these processes and how to engage!

Environmental Assessment (EA) - Comment Deadline May 31, 2024

Surfrider Foundation is working with a broad coastal wildlife coalition on our organizational comments supporting environmental interests; however, encourages individuals to submit individual comments. It is anticipated that site assessment activities will have minimal impact on tourism and recreation at this time but broader environmental and wildlife impacts and longer term considerations will key focal areas of our comments. Here's the lowdown:

Proposed Sale Notice (PSN) - Comment Deadline July 1, 2024



Surfrider Foundation is working with a broad coastal wildlife coalition on our organizational comments supporting environmental and wildlife interests. We will additionally be working locally with our Coos Bay chapter and local groups on key community comment for this process. Here's the lowdown on the Proposed Sale Notice comment period:

  • BOEM Proposed Sale Notice (PSN), sets the conditions for leasing in federal waters
  • After incorporating public comment, a Final Sale Notice will begin the auction process
  • This is an opportunity to comment on lease conditions, including community benefit agreements, bid credits (for investment in conservation, workforce development, environmental justice, Tribal support, research and monitoring, etc) 
  • virtual public meeting will be held Thursday, May 30, 2024 at 5 p.m. This is an opportunity to learn about the PSN, ask questions, and provide comment

Federal Consistency Review - Comment Deadline June 15, 2024

The Oregon Coastal Management Program (OCMP) has begun their Federal Consistency review of BOEM’s proposed leasing activities off Oregon’s coast. Surfrider believes this to be one of the better opportunities for our local chapter members to engage in one of the most important processes for the state. More broadly, this is an opportunity for the state to take a leadership role in the offshore wind leasing process, protecting Oregon’s marine resources, recreation, and setting protective conditions on federal actions. We're again working on broader environmental comments with a wildlife coalition but this area is critical for our community engagement as well. Here's the lowdown on the state's federal consistency review:

The state is hosting public workshops to seek feedback from impacted communities, a great opportunity for local chapter participation. Look out for our comment guide with Rogue Climate and Oregon Shores coming soon. Public comments to the state can also be emailed to or submitted on this webform by Friday, June 13, 2024.

Public Workshops (links, location and more info here)

Date Time Location
May 29,2024 
Noon to 3:00 p.m.
June 3, 2024 
5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Brookings-Harbor High School 
8293, 625 Pioneer Rd., Brookings, OR 97415​
June 4, 2024 
5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Sunset Middle School 
245 S Cammann St., Coos Bay, OR 97420​

June 6, 2024 
5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Siuslaw Middle School 
2525 Oak St., Florence, OR 97439​
June 7, 2024 
5:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Newport Recreation Center, 225 SE Avery St., Newport, OR