Oregon's rocky shoreline is a defining feature of our coast providing not only spectacular vistas and scenic opportunities, but also providing ecologically significant habitat for a broad diversity of plants and animals. About 41% of Oregon's land and sea boundary is comprised of tidepools, cliffs, rocks and submerged reefs supporting an ecologically rich and diverse environment and attracting millions of visitors each year.

Given the significant ecological, economic, cultural and social values of these special coastal areas, Oregon has developed a management strategy within Oregon's Territorial Sea Plan which includes policies and objectives, scientific data on resources and uses, and applies special designations to specific sites. You may know many of these special designations as marine gardens, research reserves and habitat refuges - learn about them here! This year, Oregon will be updating the Rocky Shores chapter of the Territorial Sea Plan and we need your help - more on this process here.

Recreational users have critical knowledge of Oregon's rocky shore landscapes. Whether you're hunting to surf a mysto reef slab, an avid tidepooler, coastal photographer or birder, you know our rocky shores to be important areas that need special management and research. If "engaging in a comprehensive statewide planning process" doesn't sound like your cup of tea (contact cplybon@surfrider.org if it does:))...there's actually a few really easy ways you can engage and help protect your special place:
- Participate in the Rocky Shores Needs Survey. What do these areas mean to you and what uses and resources are important to you here?
- Participate in the Rocky Shores Issues Survey. Do you see current management issues and certain rocky shores? Help map and identify these concerns for the planning process.
- Submit Public Comment: Via email to tspcomments@dlcd.state.or.us or attend a public meeting - all posted here and regularly updated!
....and now for some rocky shores scenery...courtesy Oregon Parks and Recreation Flickr page: