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Protect the Oregon Beach Bill

In 1967, the historic Beach Bill was passed by the Oregon Legislature which protects public access and enjoyment of our ocean beaches. Unfortunately, these beach protections are now threatened by an unanticipated consequence of Measure 37 which may allow coastal property owners to file claims to develop beach dunes or recieve financial compensation for not doing so. On July 31, a beachfront property owner in Cannon Beach filed a Measure 37 claim to construct a motel on top of beach sand dunes long protected by the Beach Bill. Several Cannon Beach volunteers have helped develop written comments urging mayor/city council to deny claim. You can help protect the Oregon Beach Bill by letting your state representatives know that you care about public access to the shoreline and protection of Oregon's sandy beaches. Send a letter or email urging your state representative to reform Measure 37 legislation to exempt our beaches. Legislative session starts Jan 8 so please do this SOON. Sample comments and representative info can be found in first comment to this post. Mahalo