This week, Surfrider Foundation had the opportunity to organize and present an Ocean Recreation and Science Informational Hearing in the House Natural Resources Committee. The goal of the hearing for to organize a couple of informational panels of leaders and scientists to help educate on a) the importance of Ocean recreation in Oregon's coastal economy and coastal/ocean planning, and b) the types of science and information important to preserving and managing our ocean recreational resources.

Following testimony received a couple of weeks ago from yours truly, Surfrider's Oregon Policy Manger, on Oregon's Ocean Science Trust Bill SB 753, Committee Chair Representative Brad Witt and member Representative Caddy McKeown asked for our support in organizing a panel on coastal recreational uses, economy and science important to our interests. Following a handful of our suggestions, they settled on two panels: one on the ocean recreational economy, management and tourism; and, two on the emerging science of hypoxia and ocean acidification, marine reserves and beach management. The presentations and panels really were designed to compel the nexus of some of the most important long term science and monitoring of our oceans and beaches to an extremely important economic story of coastal and ocean recreational users.
Below is a little more background on the panelists, topics and their presentations. You can check out the full agenda from today's hearing on the Committee's website here -
*At far right under "Meetings", click on the video symbol next to the date (04/30/19) to watch the recording of the hearing. Surfrider Foundation would like to thank the Chair and Committee members for this great opportunity to voice what is important to us as coastal and ocean recreational users in Oregon!
Panelist Information
Coastal Recreation Economy - 10-15 minute presentations
Charlie Plybon, Surfrider Policy Manager - Oregon Ocean Recreational Use Spatial and Economic Study
Chris Havel, Oregon Parks and Recreation Dept. - Coastal and Beach Use, Economy and Management.
Arica Sears, Oregon Coast Visitors Association - Tourism and the Recreational Industry
Ocean and Coastal Science - 10-15 minute presentations
Jack Barth, Oregon State University - Ocean Acidification and Ocean Ecology Monitoring
Cristen Don, ODFW Marine Reserve Program - Lessons from Oregon's Marine Reserve Science and Monitoring Program
Peter Ruggiero, Oregon State University - The Science of Beach Management