One of Oregon's crowning coastal conservation achievements was the designation of a limited system of marine reserves and protected areas. The effort spanned multiple Governor's offices and leaned heavy on the "Oregon way", engaging ocean stakeholders in a difficult dialogue of compromise for many years to finally recommend 5 marine reserves, associated protected areas and officially establish the Department of Fish and Wildlife's Marine Reserve Program. Now, ten years after the creation of these special protected areas, ocean stakeholders are celebrating the significant accomplishments of these conservation investments in our ocean and calling for increased investments. But on the contrary Oregon's legislature is considering budget cuts to the program, a major threat to Oregon's ocean conservation legacy and a key coastal climate and community resilience strategy - here are 3 key ways you can help!

Beneath the surface in Oregon's marine reserves: Can you spot the wolf eels? How about the china rockfish? These special places, important for conservation, research and communities host a spectacular array of marine species. These living laboratories are one of Oregon's only investments in ocean climate and coastal resilience.
3 Ways To Protect Oregon's Conservation Legacy
1) Sign and Share the Action - Contact your legislator here
2) Participate in a Town Hall - Learn more and sign up here
3) Host a Letter-Writing Party - More resources here