A research team at Portland State University is conducting a survey of Oregonians to better understand how residents use and value the coast and ocean. The Oregon Coast Values Survey asks about opinions on marine management activities, and preferences for future management and also includes an online mapping activity, allowing those who take the survey to indicate places on the coast that are important to them, and to recommend changes in management of areas. For recreational users, this is an important opportunity to speak to the places that are important to you!

Surfrider Foundation understands the importance of collecting this type of information, in fact, we conducted a Oregon Recreational Ocean-User Study to help inform the Territorial Sea Planning process in Oregon and have conducted similar surveys, mapping and studies to inform ocean planning efforts around the country. Often critical in ocean and coastal management decisions, it's the kind of information that decision-makers need and hopefully, actively use!

The goal of this survey is to reach a broad set of adult residents who have lived in Oregon for a year or more. Researchers also want to make sure they hear from people across the state, including Eastern Oregon and Southern Oregon. Please help by taking the survey and sharing with your network!
Please feel free to share this link with others via email, social media, or any other way you feel comfortable https://portlandstate.qualtrics.com//SE/?SID=SV_6LotDuMfE49QehL&RFR=030006
This project is funded by Oregon Sea Grant and results will be shared in a final report to managers, researchers, and the public. All responses will be anonymous and only summaries of findings will be shared. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Paul Manson, a PhD student researcher at Portland State University: mansonp@pdx.edu. You may also contact the project’s principal investigator, Dr. Elise Granek at graneke@pdx.edu.