Did you know that cigarette butts are the number one item consistently found at beach cleanups? Taking decades to decompose, these tiny items contain plastic, leach harmful toxins that concentrate in the environment, and present dangers to wildlife, children and pets when accidentally consumed. As part of former Governor Kitzhaber's executive order on tobacco use, Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) passed rules to make Oregon Parks smoke free; and, thanks to your advocacy and interest in the environmental health of our ocean and beaches, OPRD initiated rulemaking to support smoke-free beaches as an expansion of the initial rules prompted by the executive order.
During the previous rulemaking process, Surfrider volunteers and staff were extremely active in supporting tobacco free parks, but due to the problems we encounter directly through our beach cleanup program, we strongly advocated for the expansion of these rules to our beaches. Unfortunately in light of public opposition (even though the tally was 178 public comments in favor of banning smoking and 165 opposed) and the difficulty of enforcement, the state agency decided to table the proposed rule for two years and instead focus on an educational effort to reduce trash on the beaches.
Surfrider Chapters in Portland and Coos Bay are taking matters into their own hands - running Hold On To Your Butts (HOTYB) campaigns to reduce the amount of cigarettes making it into our waterways by installing butt canisters at participating businesses.

If you're interested in getting involved:
Not convinced butts are a problem for our ocean wildlife? Check out these simple demonstration videos that some of our youth volunteers prepared on the issue!
Hold Onto Your Butt from Hyperion Media on Vimeo.