In the past year, Oregon's Surfrider Network has grown by one Chapter and new Clubs!
New Chapter
For the first time in more than five years, Surfrider Foundation has approved a new Chapter in Oregon! Though we've been monitoring water quality on the North Coast since 2008, we never had a chapter there - until this month. The North Coast Chapter will be focusing their work from Tillamook up to Astoria. Their primary programmatic focus areas are plastic pollution and water quality. If you live on the north coast, give our new chapter a shout and see how you can get involved! Here's how to reach them:
- Website: northcoast-or.surfrider.org
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/surfridernorthcoastor/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/surfridernorthcoastor/
- Email:
- Chair, Jesse Jones, chair@northcoast-or.surfrider.org
- Vice Chair, Jordan Goldfarb, vicechair@northcoast-or.surfrider.org
- Treasurer, Doug Mitchell, treasurer@northcoast-or.surfrider.org
- Volunteer Coordinator, Rita Goldfarb, volunteercoordinator@northcoast-or.surfrider.org
- Secretary, Anna Campbell, secretary@northcoast-or.surfrider.org
Three New Clubs
In 2018, our second Club was added at Sam Case Elementary School in Newport. The Club was instrumental in the Newport Chapter's successful Ban the Bag campaign. Every year, Olivia Schroeder's 5th grade class will identify an environmental issue to focus on. Stay tuned on what their focus will be for the 2019-2020 school year.

Established in February 2019, the Bridger Club hit the ground running making and selling beeswax wraps and asking their School Board to cut back on single-use plastics. Fun fact: Bridger's advisor, Laurie Shonkwiler, is the aunt of Newport's Club advisor! The two clubs joined forces to attempt a zero waste field trip at South Beach State Park.

Newskowin Valley School joined the Club Network this past summer. This school year, the Club is going to focus on marine debris removal and studying Oregon's Marine Reserves Network.
Surfrider Oregon currently has 649 members, but thousands more Oregonians are volunteers or supporters. Being a Surfrider member means having your voice officially represented in our work. When we provide testimony on statewide policy, the more members we have, the bigger the impact our statement is.
So what are you waiting for? Becoming a member starts at just $25. To join a specific chapter, attend their next chapter event (see the statewide calendar here) or join online using the links below: