Beautiful Creatures of Oregon’s Marine Reserves: An Educational and Art Experience
By bgoodwinOregon’s ocean is home to a spectacular array of creatures living within some of the most diverse habitats on the planet. Beautiful and unique, the animals, plants and the many features of Oregon’s ocean and coastline lend themselves as much to science and exploration as they do to art and creative inspiration. To celebrate this spirit of science and art within Oregon’s ocean environment, Surfrider Foundation and Elisabeth Jones Art Center are collaborating to offer five virtual workshops where participants will learn about special ocean habitats and creatures while being guided through the creation of small art pieces at home.
To showcase the abundant marine life and unique habitats of the Oregon Coast the series of workshops will be focused around Oregon’s Marine Reserves and Protected Areas, special areas that are dedicated to conservation and scientific research. Each of the virtual workshops, which run from July 29-August 26, will focus on one of Oregon’s marine reserves and protected areas – Cape Falcon, Cascade Head, Otter Rock, Cape Perpetua and Redfish Rocks. Participants of all ages are invited to learn from a scientist, community member and resource manager about these places and creatures. Following will be a fun and instructive art class where participants, utilizing readily available art supplies, will create small works of art that will later be collected to create a stunning collaborative 25-foot diameter mobile for exhibition at the Elisabeth Jones Art Center! (Click here for the list of art supplies needed)
These workshops are being offered free of charge to the public, but are limited in participation so pre-registration is required. Individuals may register for one or multiple workshops, click on an individual workshop below to register or follow the link at the bottom to register for all events:
July 29, 5:30-7:30 pm - Cascade Head (recording)
August 5, 5:30-7:30 pm - Redfish Rocks (recording)
August 12, 5:30-7:30 pm - Cape Falcon (recording)
August 19, 5:30-7:30 pm - Otter Rock (recording)
August 26, 5:30-7:30 pm - Cape Perpetua
Visit surfrideroregon.eventbrite.com to view all and register for multiple workshops. We hope you'll join us!